Somatic Studio

Gyrokinesis -workshop

Tervetuloa Gyrokinesis -workshoppiin!

GYROKINESIS® on kolmiulotteista liikettä koko keholle. Se vahvistaa selkääsi ja parantaa joustavuutta selkärangassa. Tunnilla tehdään pyöreitä ja aaltomaisia liikkeitä, jotka avaavat rankaa ja raajoja. Kiertoliikkeet ja venytykset aktivoivat koko kehoa ja tehokas hengitys rytmittää kaikkea liikettä. Keskivartalon tuki on tärkeää.

GYROKINESIS® -harjoittelu on tehokasta, sillä keskivartalon lihaksilta vaaditaan koko ajan tukea. Huomioitavaa on, että voit ottaa tunnilla opitut liikkeet osaksi vaikka työpäiväsi taukojumppaa ja näin esim. vähentää istumatyön haittavaikutuksia.

Huom. Workshop on englanninkielinen!


The GYROKINESIS® method is a movement system that affects the entire organism by increasing its functional capacity. Its aim is to make people feel at home in their own body, free from tension and full of energy, as well as balanced and grounded. It is a unique method that can be adapted to anyone’s ability and it benefits people of all ages and walks of life.

The benefits of the GYROKINESIS® method are countless and impact people physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically by stimulating the nervous, respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic system as well as opening the energy pathways.

Classes are performed standing, sitting on a chair or on a mat. The method guides the body to move in the seven natural direction of the spine: forwards, backwards, left, right, twisting and in circular motions. Postures are held for a short time, and each is connected smoothly with the other through corresponding breathing patterns. Breath is central to the practice, and it varies from a cleansing breath to a more explosive one, all of which increase energy and boost the ventilation system of the body. The result is a sense of wellbeing, vitality and mental clarity at the end of each class.

The workshop is in English.

“A fluid body, a stable center and an open mind”